Tuesday 1 December 2009

What Your Small Business Can Learn From Vampires

Vampires have become a pop culture phenomena spanning TV, books, movies and even Vampires on Facebook. The spark for this current craze can be traced to the best selling vampire book Twilight by Stephanie Myers. The author redefined the genre with vampires who could love and created a cultural trend.

The vampire craze provides an interesting glimpse into what drives a hot trend for a valuable lesson to small business. Getting in early on any trend wave requires keeping in tune with pop culture. Best selling books are often the catalyst for movies and the precursor to a large trend. Looking at best selling book lists can provide a glimpse of what is popular in the public conscious. Other media such as magazines can tell you what is up and coming. Many leading visionaries often read all types of media from fashion news to nano technology to see the broader trends in society.

One of my favorite ways to test for trend development is Google Insights. This nifty tool will allow you to enter in search terms and see the trends over time whether consumer search volumes are increasing, decreasing or flat. Tracking trends can provide your business with the opportunity to see the road ahead and possibly capitalize on the trend.

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