Friday 4 December 2009

Business Sectors

The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills is committed to helping British industry increase productivity and develop world-class competitiveness.

The Department promotes best practice in design and manufacture, investment opportunities, and champions each industry's legitimate interests through policy and regulations. Its various business sector units also maintain one-to-one relationships with the leading firms in each industrial sector and generally represent the interests of their respective sectors in the development of Government policy and implementation of regulation. However, it is important to bear in mind that the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills does not lead on many regulatory matters (such as environmental protection, health and safety, etc).

The issues covered in the Department's sector-specific web sites are tailored to each sector and include topics such as relationship management; sector-specific schemes and initiatives; other important sector contacts; general business support; regulatory guidance; partnerships; export assistance; market forecasts; research and development; and government policy. There is also information on where to find further help and advice.

The Business Link website directs you to the key regulations and licences that apply across a wide range of specific business sectors within its Your type of business theme. It covers 15 business sectors from Agriculture, forestry and fishing through to Wholesale and also provides details of key trade bodies with expertise about your area of business.

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