Tuesday 1 December 2009

Here are some tips for small business. What are your tips?

I mentor small business and have some tips which is part of an free ebook I developed to help small business

Currently conditions are tough and getting tougher and only the tough will survive!
If electricity, interest rates, rising costs, petrol and all the other negatives are driving you to despair in your business then you need this quick survival guide

Is your business currently a Headache? / Take two of these steps daily and repeat until they become a habit

Here is a list of topics you need to consider for the survival game
Introduction and Attitude

1. Perseverance – Believing in your business.
2. Opportunity - Cast your net around.
3. Weigh your options – Taking long hard looks.
4. Use your network – You are always one person away from the one you want or need to know.
5. Do not be afraid to ask for business.

Your business is giving you a daily dose of Migraine / it is really painful but not yet life threatening

6. Negotiating with creditors.
7. Negotiating with debtors.
8. Cutting costs.
9. Sharing the burden by making people responsible.
10. Buy in from staff – Everyone reading from the same page.

Prozac time / this stage is when you need the power of euphoria to move to a successful business position taking charge of the situation and rising above the problems, creating solutions and sustainable revenue plus enhancing the feel good reasons you went into your own business in the first place.

11. Do your homework better than ever before – An even harder look at the playing field.
12. Do not take unnecessary risks and think any “quick rich scheme”’ is the answer to your problems.
13. Stick to the basics – more than ever simple solutions and mud before marble.
14. Stick to knitting – Do what you know best and do it so well you do it your eyes closed.
15. Your business Plan / keep everyone informed especially your banker.
16. Downgrade wherever possible – anything that is not directly relevant to your business or lifestyle get rid of it if it costs money you do not have.
17. Image is not important survival is / The strong do not always survive conflict but it is those that plan well that usually do despite how strong or weak they are

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