Thursday 3 December 2009

Payments and Collections

Article Archive

Take Advantage of Electronic Communication
Texts and e-mails could be more effective and less invasive for your collections.

Strengthen Your Credit Policy Today
Keeping a close eye on accounts receivable is the best way to manage cash flow.

How Does Your Business Rate?
Be mindful of these credit-score killers.

Why You Need a Credit Policy
Clearly outlined credit procedures will protect your business when customers don’t pay.

Getting Paid in a Bad Economy
5 tips to make sure you get paid and keep the cash flowing.

Don't Get Stiffed
Use these 4 simple steps to make sure you get paid.

Protect Your Business with Credit Insurance
Insuring your accounts receivables maybe a worthwhile investment.

Pay Me!
How to get the money you're owned when no one seems to have any

How to Negotiate With Your Creditors
Advice on protecting your interests by negotiating with creditors.

Managing Your Personal and Business Credit
When you're a small-business owner, there's a delicate balance between your personal and business credit. Here are some smart tips for handling both effectively.

Get People to Pay You Quickly
Make it easy for customers to pay your invoices, and you'll see your money sooner rather than later.

The ABCs of Business Credit
Learn why it's important to establish a business credit report separate from your personal credit and just how to do it.

Vulture Capital
You can't beat the big creditors to the bones of a bankrupt client, so what do you do?

Going After Overdue Accounts
When those invoices just aren't getting paid, you may have to hire a collection agency. Here's how to find the right one.

Online vs. Offline Debit Transactions
How to decide which processing method is right for your business

How to Get Yourself Paid
What to do when deadbeat debtors refuse to cough up the cash

It's Payback Time
Are your deadbeat debtors getting you down? Don't get mad, get even.

When Cash Is Tight, Who Gets Paid?
A simple guide to prioritizing your payments when the bills are piling up beyond control

Get Paid On Time
Follow these tips on invoicing and collection procedures so you can get what you deserve--your payment.

Get What's Owed You From Bankrupt Customers
If your client goes bankrupt, you could be the one to lose.

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