Wednesday 2 December 2009

Promoting Your Business

Promoting your business is an essential activity which you will have to undertake in order to gain customers and make an overall profit.

There are many forms of marketing which can be employed as promotion techniques. Some of these are:

Business Recognition

Business recognition involves establishing a brand name and then working to have it thought as synonymous with the particular products or services which you offer.

The can take a great deal of expense, effort and time before the results and known and any gains realised.

Brand recognition is an area where the analysis and benefits of such a feature are inherently subjective. Even where there is a clear case to suggest that it exists (for example Coke Cola), placing a value on exactly what is earned from it is extremely difficult.

Having your brand recognised can become a strong competitive advantage in cases where customers are purchasing the relevant items for the first time and seek some reassurance of quality and delivery.

Having an Online Presence

Whether or not you choose to sell via an in-house website, having an online presence can be a valuable yet inexpensive means of promoting your business.

In most industries, many of your potential customers might use the internet to carry out primary research or even to make the purchase itself.

A business website is also often viewed as a means of establishing the credibility of a organisation. If customers are considering buying for a particular company, they might well view their website to gain further information about the business.

If the company does not have a website or has one which is judged to be poor, that might have a negative effect in the eyes of potential customers.

Advertising a Business

Advertising a business is a tried and tested form of promotion. The main questions which to be answered is where to advertise and how much.

Money required to promote the business will complete with the other areas of expenditure including design, production and research. Each item of proposed adverting will require justification for the costs involved and why the money should not be spent on other areas of the operation.

Other Forms of Promotion

There are many other forms of business promotion including producing literature for distribution, attending trade shows and writing articles for inclusion in relevant publications.

The methods which are employed by a particular business will depend on available resources, the type of industry which it operates in and the most appropriate means which are judged to be the best way to reach potential clients.

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