Friday 4 December 2009

How To Succed in Business

Many more people are leaving the regular nine-to-five job experience to start their own businesses. Some do it in order to pursue a life long dream, others to utilise a gift or talent, in order to earn some extra income.

You do not even have to quit your job to go into business. You can be a business by your self (become a consultant) in an area of your expertise and increase your cash flow. Whatever the reason for going into business, it is important that you succeed at it.

Your business will succeed when your capabilities meets opportunities in the market place. You will succeed when your products are of good quality and your service is excellent. But most of all your success can only be guaranteed when people know who you are, what you can do and where you are.

Hence we believe you can increase your income and promote your business by going through 5 simple steps in order to create the awareness to win new customers


Establish a presence in the market place by developing your corporate identity.

Create a logo that defines your business ethos and vision.

Develop a strong brand that is identifiable.

Let your corporate stationeries speak for you and announce who you are, what you do and where you are.


Make your goods and services known and establish your brand in that market place by creating eye catching colour designs on leaflets, brochures, marketing cards, posters and displays.


Impress your clients as you inform them about your expertise and value proposition.

Create impressive and professional presentation folders, report covers, regular newsletters and booklets.


Keep old customers interested in your business all year long by creating attention grabbing bookmarks, stickers, credit cards, note pads and calendars that will keep them coming back to you all year round.


And finally after your clients have identified you and have promoted your business, impress them with your expertise and capture their interest, ensure you maintain contact so they remember who you are, what you can do and where you are.

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