Friday 4 December 2009

Russian business news in brief

Russia’s economy to recover fully in 2012

The Russian economy is expected to reach 2008 pre-crisis levels in 2012, said Kremlin economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich. But he added that the government would end anti-crisis measures only after GDP grew for several consecutive quarters.

Rosstat said the country’s GDP grew by an estimated 13.9pc quarter-on-quarter in July-September 2009, but declined 8.9pc year-on-year. In 2008, the Russian economy expanded 5.6pc.

Officials said the third quarter would see the start of Russia’s exit from recession, but it was too early to say the economic crisis was over.

RIA Novosti
Medvedev vows to lift trade barriers

President Medvedev said protectionist measures by Russia during the economic crisis will be removed when good times return.

In his Apec CEO Summit keynote speech in Singapore he said: “We need to reaffirm our obligations to undertake anything we can to stay away from protectionism, in any form.”

He called on other Apec economies to reaffirm their commitment to free trade, adding: “Russia realises the harm of protectionism during this crisis period. That’s why I want to emphasise that those [measures undertaken by Russia] are short-term.”

BBC Monitoring

Russia looks at $2bn-$4bn WB loans

The Russian finance ministry and the World Bank are in discussion over potential forms of borrowing Russia might need in 2010-2011, said Klaus Rohland, World Bank director and resident representative in Russia.

The parties are discussing the possibility of a loan – over the next two years, Russia plans to borrow $2-$4bn from the World Bank – and also World Bank guarantees for Vnesheconombank's [the state-run bank supporting trade and investment] loans.

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