Friday 4 December 2009

Business Sectors Partnerships UK - Public Sector

Working with all parts of the public sector

PUK works across the UK and with all parts of the public sector. Clients range from central government departments, devolved administrations (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) and local authorities to independent public bodies. This diversity is built into our public sector mission and has enabled us to ‘join-up’ the public sector, improve communications and share experiences and knowledge across public bodies.

Client rather than sector driven
We are client, not sector driven, and we have pioneered new methods of delivery for many of our clients, configuring our services to their particular needs.

PUK also supports the development of PPP skills and expertise internationally, sharing best practice and helping overseas governments set up their PPP programmes.

Find out more
This section provides an insight into the work PUK does across the public sector. See the following links for further information on the range of support we provide:

Environment and Waste.
Operational Task Force.
Information Technology and Change.
Justice and Custodial.
Local Authorities.
Public Services.
Property and Regeneration.
Standardisation and Market Support.

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