Wednesday 2 December 2009

Business Start-up

There are many reasons why a person might consider the business start-up route.

It could be a carefully planned process which has gone on for some time, it could be forced as a result of losing ones job or it could just be that you feel that starting a business is the right thing to do at this particular time on your life.

Irrespective of the road which has led to you exploring working for yourself, it is probably that at best, there are a few concerns which you have or a worst, you might find the whole prospect quite a terrifying experience.

The prospect of exchanging the security and certainty of employment with the uncertainty of an increasing aggressive and hostile business world is a conclusion which required strong consideration.

Most business start-ups fail in their first year of activity. This will provide very little comfort, even to the most confidence of individuals.

You have to take a long hard look at yourself and ask whether you can be one of the few who make it to the second year and beyond.

Starting a business and surviving to tell the story involves having more than just a good idea and a few contact. Many owners of business startups have a become chameleons and most of the successful ones will constantly redefine the word multi tasking.

Employment has its benefits

At work there may be someone to make you tea, someone who types your letters and other who are able to take the boring and mundane tasks away from you.

After having started a business, you might find that you and only you is available to do these duties. How do you feel about that?

Another strong benefit of being in employment is that collaboration and idea sharing can lead to better and faster ways to complete and solve many business problems. Even though you might be better than your colleagues, their very presence might have inspired you in the past.

Consider the alternative as a business start-up. On your own and solving each and every little problem by your lonesome. Could you do it?

Having painting a pretty gloomy picture of starting your own business, you might ask if our aim is to talk you out of the whole idea and keep you where you belong.

Our aim is simple. To help you to get it right!

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