Wednesday 2 December 2009

Tax Centre

Welcome to Tax Centre from Omega Accountancy
The Tax Centre expands the range of information sections available on our website, the aim of which is to provide general guidance and resources to our visitors.

The section will focus on the main UK taxes and detail their application and relevance in both business and personal affairs.

Taxation in the UK is a very complicated area and any resources included in the Tax Centre should not be construed as specific advice. When looking at your specific position, general knowledge is not a substitute for professional advice which can interpret and tailor the rules and regulations to your particular situation.

Actions to enhance your tax efficiency should always be pre-empted by appropriate council, understanding and advice from one of our professional tax advisors.

Efficient Tax Planning

Efficient tax planning is usually best applied from the earliest opportunity, and particularly before any significant change in a person’s or business’ circumstances.

Having professional advisors review your situation in the beginning can utilise many of the efficiency options which might not be available after a particular route has already been selected.

In addition, the manner in which UK taxes are intrinsically interlinked means that measures introduced in one area may adversely affect another resulting in an overall negative benefit.

Right from the outset all effects should analysed and evaluated, especially where the person is in business and commercial levies will affect their personal liabilities.

Changes in Taxation

Omega Accountancy review are constantly reviewing both existing legislation and proposed changes in taxation so that we are well placed to advise our clients on their affairs.

This section will be constantly updated to reflect actual changes and significant proposals. If you would like to discuss any aspect you’re your current of future tax position with one of our consultants, contact us for further details.

Omega Accountancy – leading the way to good tax planning

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