Wednesday 2 December 2009

Business Centre

Welcome to Business Centre from Omega Accountancy

As part of the resources which we offer visitors to our website, we have designed this portal to provide general business material and information.

The list and number of topics covered here will continually increase and be updated over time.

Business Centre is a guide to starting up and running a successful enterprise, whether as an individual or as part of a team. Whatever the industry or field of activity you are, or will be engaged in, we have compiled a list of resources which we hope you will find useful.

Areas currently forming part of the portal include business start-up information, marketing, finance and information technology issues as they affect entrepreneurs.

To help in finding information on specific aspects of business, we have created an original and unique menu structure to display each subject area and the topics within them.

All Business Centre resources are reachable through our main site search by simply entering a few relevant keywords.

We welcome feedback and comments on the Business Centre concept or any material contained within it. We would especially like to hear suggestions about further information we might provide to enhance the standing of the portal as a comprehensive and valued resource.

Alternatively, if you already have an established enterprise, you may want to add your profile to our my business start-up pages.

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