Wednesday 2 December 2009

Welcome to BOB: Business Objects Board

About This Service
The purpose of this forum is to provide a free and open discussion area for people to ask questions, provide answers, and share experiences with the products offered by Business Objects SA. This is not the official Business Objects technical support site. Instead, this is a community of people with a common interest: getting the most out of their investment in Business Objects products. If you are looking for the official technical support site, please visit

In keeping with our open policy, everything used to create and run this forum is open source. Don't know what that means? Want to know what went into the site? Have any other questions about the process? Check out our site FAQ.

Membership Information
If you have just found us, here's a bit of information to help get you started. First of all, you don't have to register to search or read the forum. But only registered members may reply or post new topics. We encourage you to register so that you can take full advantage of the forum. Concerned? You can read our Rules and Guidelines and our Privacy Policy all before you get started. Before registering, be sure to read the Terms of Service as well. We have 44906 registered users. Our users have posted a total of 588474 articles.

Banner Sponsors
In 2004 we upgraded to a much larger server. As a result we offer banner sponsorships for this board. We have posted information about the sponsor program for your review. If after reviewing that information you feel like you or your company might like to sponsor our board please use our contact form to indicate your interest.

Who is BOB?
This is BOB: Mr. Green, to be formal, but BOB to the rest of us. Want to know more about who BOB is? How did we get started? How does this all work? These questions and more are answered, you guessed it, in the forum. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

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