Friday 4 December 2009

Business development facilities

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Conference rooms and facilities
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Asian success stories in UK

The identities of Britain's 200 most affluent Asian men and women - together worth £7bn - have been revealed with the publication of an official 'rich list'.

It features the country's wealthiest Asians and highlights the importance of the Asian business community in Britain.

Srichand Hinduja, 63, and his brother Gopi, 59, whose company has interests in finance, oil, industry and telecoms, topped the list.

The pair, whose company is valued at £1.3bn, came out just ahead of last year's richest businessman Lakshmi Mittal, 48, who is the second richest Asian worth £1.2bn, thanks to the family steel empire.

Indian television magnate Subhash Chandra, 48, who made his fortune in trading, is the country's third richest Asian worth £450m.

Also in the top 10 richest Asian's is Tom Singh, 49, who recently floated his New Look fashion store chain and is joint sixth richest worth £200 million alongside hotelier Jasminder Singh, 47.

Individuals who have made it onto the list have amassed their wealth in a variety of industries including finance and commodities, fashion, retailing, information technology, hotel and catering and pharmaceuticals.

Author Salman Rushdie has been included for the first time this year.

The list is published by Eastern Eye newspaper and was compiled by Philip Beresford, author of the Sunday Times Rich List.

Diverse enterprise

Eastern Eye editor-in-chief Sarwar Ahmed said: "We started this project three years ago and it's fascinating to see the growth of Asian wealth in the UK.

"The lowest entry this year came in at £5m. It's also interesting to note that there is a definite broadening of the industries that Asians are investing in.

"We are seeing the community diversify into other industries including finance, media, pharmaceuticals and IT.

"We are also seeing lots more women are coming forward and that reflects how Asian women have gained independence over the last 10 or 20 years.

"We are also seeing Asians making their mark in the City which is an area that was previously pretty well exclusively white and male dominated.

"So the list is not just about just how much money people have got but more a general reflection of Asian society and its contribution to the country as a whole."

Rich by region

Major cities with large Asian populations such as Manchester, Birmingham and Leicester have between five and 20 entries in the list.

But the authors expressed surprise that Bradford received only one entry.

In proportion to the Asian population the West Yorkshire city comes out bottom of the millionaires' league table with only one Asian business man and woman securing an entry.

Dilbag Singh and Mrs Gurmail Kaur, who together own the £10m textile importer and distributors Dilbag Cloth House, reached 90th place in the table.

Mr Ahmed said: "We expected to see the spread of millionaires to marry with the spread of the Asian community across the UK and so were very surprised to find only one entry from Bradford.

"I'm sure there are more, so if anyone thinks they qualify to be included in next year's issue they should let us know."

Among the elite were 18 entries from Manchester whose combined wealth topped £390m.

They included Iqbal Ahmed, chairman of Seamark, Shami Ahmed of clothing firm Joe Bloggs fame, Rajan Kuma of The Rajan Group, and one of the youngest entries - 27-year-old Wasim Akhter of fashion chain Barneys.

Small Business Success Stories

Meet the Entrepreneurs of the Year
The Oscars for business. That's how Selim Bassoul, president and CEO of food-service equipment maker Middleby (MIDD) describes Ernst & Young's annual Entrepreneur of ...
October 13, 2009
Meet the Celebrity Gardener
Asafumi Yamashita runs his fingers delicately through a bushy green tomato vine, plucking handfuls of blueberry-sized fruit. The bright red micro-tomatoes, bursting ...
September 11, 2009
A Conversation with Savile Row Tailor Richard Anderson
London's Savile Row is famous for its independent tailoring shops that have been selling bespoke men's clothing along the short street since 1623. But in an era of ...
May 19, 2009
Who Are the Richest People in Town?
Have you ever wondered who the richest man in town is? W. Randall Jones has. The former magazine executive found himself in a country club near his hometown of ...
May 12, 2009
America's Long-Running Restaurants
Good food, great atmosphere, spectacular location. Even if you have all three, opening and running an eatery remains an exceedingly risky venture. Indeed, by most ...
May 8, 2009
Riding Out the Recession With Repairs
Last year the management at Shelly Investments, which owns a pair of car dealerships and an auto repair service, Spectrum Collision, in Irvine, Calif., worried that ...
February 10, 2009
What I Learned in the Trenches
After 13 years in the Marine Corps, Brian Iglesias was ready to embark on a dream career in filmmaking. Prepared to pay his dues, he worked the phones, sent e-mails, ...
February 6, 2009
For Some Small Businesses, Recession Is Good News
The current economic picture is certainly a gloomy one, with massive layoffs, bankruptcies, the collapse of financial institutions, and a severe credit crunch. But the...
December 19, 2008
Venture Capital's Favorite Startups
Over the past four quarters—even as the depths of the nation's economic problems became evident—venture capitalists invested more than $7 billion in seed ...
October 31, 2008
Why Small Manufacturers Are Going Green
As a maker of conveyor systems for manufacturers, Shuttleworth always changed with the times. The 100-employee Huntington (Ind.) company's strong business in ...
October 24, 2008
Talking to Mario Batali
As the owner of 14 restaurants, the author of six cookbooks, and a familiar presence on several TV shows, Mario Batali has entered the rarefied ranks of what is known ...
October 17, 2008
Learning from the Great Depression
At 179 years old, Yuengling remains the country's oldest beer maker. Dick Yuengling, the fifth-generation CEO, says the family kept the business afloat by diversifying...
September 30, 2008
The Last Typewriter Repairman?
Every business day, as he has done for the past 49 years, Paul Schweitzer, 69, travels the streets and skyscrapers of Manhattan making "house" calls, carrying his ...
September 5, 2008
Gene Simmons: Rock 'n' Roll Entrepreneur
As the fire-spitting front man for the rock band KISS, Gene Simmons has put on his kabuki make-up and donned his platform dragon boots for the past 35 years. But for ...
July 16, 2008
From Real Estate Developer to Pizza Man
Wearing shorts, t-shirt, and baseball cap, real estate developer Jim McGown is kneading balls of handmade dough, tossing them in the air, catching them, then shaping ...
June 13, 2008
Dad: An Entrepreneur's Secret to Success
Entrepreneurs often get a helping hand from their parents. In honor of Father's Day, we asked successful business owners how their fathers helped them succeed in ...
June 11, 2008
A Health-Care Entrepreneur-Turned-Farmer
Rain is coming, and Stephen Tiwald and his son are in a bind. The $30,000 tractor they got to speed up production on their Midwest minifarm has instead brought work to...
May 14, 2008
Centuries-Old Family Businesses Share Their Secrets
In 2000, a few members of the Lyman family moved out of its capacious ancestral home. Though the house, set on a sprawling farm in Middlefield, Conn., had been ...
May 12, 2008
From Junkie to Software Success
Bob Williamson fled a broken home in Mississippi at age 17 to hitchhike around the country. He landed in Atlanta in 1970 at 24, homeless, broke, and addicted to heroin...
May 8, 2008
Mom: An Entrepreneur's Secret to Success
Richard Branson's parents told him to never criticize anyone. He still tries to apply that rule at Virgin Group. When Bobbi Brown was struggling to decide what to do ...
March 14, 2008
An Entrepreneurial Path to Peace
About five years ago, Stef Wertheimer came across Gamila Hiar, a Druze woman with no formal education who had learned the ancient art of making soap from wild herbs ...
March 14, 2008
Who Is Stef Wertheimer?
Early on, Stef Wertheimer, the founder of Iscar Metalworking, a manufacturer of industrial precision metal-cutting tools, decided that entrepreneurship was an answer ...
January 16, 2008
Israel's Winemaking Revolution
The Golan Heights Winery vineyards climb from the Sea of Galilee to snow-capped Mount Hermon near Israel's border with Lebanon and Syria. A picturesque region of ...
January 14, 2008
Restaurateurs Don't Just Wing It
Jordan Busch and Sara Sawicki are the co-owners of Fire on the Mountain Buffalo Wings, a bustling wing joint in Portland, Ore., which has been embraced as a local ...
October 5, 2007
Business Courses Give Kids a Leg Up
When she was a 17-year-old student at Mt. Carmel High School in Derby, Kan., Abby Lewis developed a business plan for the Scribbler, a nail polish applicator that ...
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How To Succed in Business

Many more people are leaving the regular nine-to-five job experience to start their own businesses. Some do it in order to pursue a life long dream, others to utilise a gift or talent, in order to earn some extra income.

You do not even have to quit your job to go into business. You can be a business by your self (become a consultant) in an area of your expertise and increase your cash flow. Whatever the reason for going into business, it is important that you succeed at it.

Your business will succeed when your capabilities meets opportunities in the market place. You will succeed when your products are of good quality and your service is excellent. But most of all your success can only be guaranteed when people know who you are, what you can do and where you are.

Hence we believe you can increase your income and promote your business by going through 5 simple steps in order to create the awareness to win new customers


Establish a presence in the market place by developing your corporate identity.

Create a logo that defines your business ethos and vision.

Develop a strong brand that is identifiable.

Let your corporate stationeries speak for you and announce who you are, what you do and where you are.


Make your goods and services known and establish your brand in that market place by creating eye catching colour designs on leaflets, brochures, marketing cards, posters and displays.


Impress your clients as you inform them about your expertise and value proposition.

Create impressive and professional presentation folders, report covers, regular newsletters and booklets.


Keep old customers interested in your business all year long by creating attention grabbing bookmarks, stickers, credit cards, note pads and calendars that will keep them coming back to you all year round.


And finally after your clients have identified you and have promoted your business, impress them with your expertise and capture their interest, ensure you maintain contact so they remember who you are, what you can do and where you are.

Fraud suspect stopped from travelling

A suspect in what is alleged to be the UK's biggest Ponzi fraud scheme has been stopped from travelling to New Zealand after police seized his ticket.

Kenneth Peacock, of Virginia Water, Surrey, was told by City of London detectives that his ticket was an asset which he was not allowed to dispose of.

The police have secured a freezing order against Mr Peacock, Kautilya Nandan Pruthi and John Anderson.

A scheme which promised returns of up to 13% a month is under investigation.

The police cancelled the flight tickets with the agents and arranged for a refund to be paid into a nominated account they have set up as part of their investigation.
Mr Peacock, Mr Pruthi and Mr Anderson were arrested on 21 May.

Police are investigating a high-yield scheme in which hundreds of investors, including sports stars and celebrities, collectively invested £84m into Knightsbridge-based Business Consulting International (BCI).

The company offered investors returns of up to 13% a month.

The freezing order restricts the three suspects to living on £250 per week reasonable living expenses.

The allowance was reduced from £1,000 per week following an application to the court by police.

The order also requires the three men to disclose all assets worldwide.

A spokesman for City of London Police told the BBC they could not comment on the case.

Business news in uk 2009

Dutch pension fund manager prepares UK push
LONDON, Dec 1 (Reuters) - APG, the fund firm owned by the Netherlands' largest pension fund, is preparing to fight for pension management and administration business in the UK as part of its cross-border expansion plans, an APG executive said.

In 2010 the fund manager, which has about 205 billion euros ($309 billion) under management, will pitch for mandates in the UK with assets of hundreds of millions of euros, said Jaap Maassen, APG's senior vice president for international business.

APG spent 2009 focused on consolidating its position in the Netherlands following the merger with construction industry pension fund Cordares in 2008, Maassen said on Monday on the sidelines of the sidelines of the Multi Pensions 2009 conference.

"We are looking at the UK, Belgium and Italy. We are looking at mandates both in asset management and pension administration," he said.

The fund manager, which was created in 2008, sealed a partnership in Italy last year with pension fund services provider PensPlan to gain a foothold in the Italian pension industry, which is expected to grow as a result of a reform approved in 2004. In the United Kingdom, which like the Netherlands is home to one of Europe's more developed pension industries, APG will face strong competition, which Maassen hopes he can head off by touting APG's experience in administration services.

"We also have access to less liquid assets like private equity and complex products like hedge funds," Maassen said. ($1=.6635 Euro) (Editing by Karen Foster) ((; +44 (0)207 542 3570; Reuters Messaging:

Russian business news in brief

Russia’s economy to recover fully in 2012

The Russian economy is expected to reach 2008 pre-crisis levels in 2012, said Kremlin economic aide Arkady Dvorkovich. But he added that the government would end anti-crisis measures only after GDP grew for several consecutive quarters.

Rosstat said the country’s GDP grew by an estimated 13.9pc quarter-on-quarter in July-September 2009, but declined 8.9pc year-on-year. In 2008, the Russian economy expanded 5.6pc.

Officials said the third quarter would see the start of Russia’s exit from recession, but it was too early to say the economic crisis was over.

RIA Novosti
Medvedev vows to lift trade barriers

President Medvedev said protectionist measures by Russia during the economic crisis will be removed when good times return.

In his Apec CEO Summit keynote speech in Singapore he said: “We need to reaffirm our obligations to undertake anything we can to stay away from protectionism, in any form.”

He called on other Apec economies to reaffirm their commitment to free trade, adding: “Russia realises the harm of protectionism during this crisis period. That’s why I want to emphasise that those [measures undertaken by Russia] are short-term.”

BBC Monitoring

Russia looks at $2bn-$4bn WB loans

The Russian finance ministry and the World Bank are in discussion over potential forms of borrowing Russia might need in 2010-2011, said Klaus Rohland, World Bank director and resident representative in Russia.

The parties are discussing the possibility of a loan – over the next two years, Russia plans to borrow $2-$4bn from the World Bank – and also World Bank guarantees for Vnesheconombank's [the state-run bank supporting trade and investment] loans.

Malware Messes up India's Online Test for Business Schools

The move by India's top business schools to take their CAT entrance test online turned embarrassing after malware-infected computers left a number of students unable to take the test.

Prometric, a Baltimore, Maryland, testing company hired to conduct the CAT (Common Admission Test), said this week that the testing labs faced technical difficulties mainly due to malware and viruses. It said on the CAT Web site that it has decided to reschedule the tests for the affected students.

Over 240,000 candidates registered for the CAT 2009, which was scheduled to run from Nov. 28 to Dec. 7. While the written test was held on a single day in previous years, the online test this year was spread over 10 days, giving candidates the option to choose a date and center for the test.

Prometric was to conduct the tests across labs in 32 cities in the country. The tests are continuing after the initial disruption.

But on the first day of the test, computer viruses and malware prevented 47 testing labs from delivering the test to candidates as scheduled.

The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are the top management training schools in the country, and some of their alumni occupy key positions in companies both in India and abroad. The IIMs have been set up by the government, but the institutes run as autonomous organizations.

The CAT is conducted to select students for the seven IIMs, and some other affiliated institutions.

The disruption of the test now throws open the possibility of legal action by candidates, said Vijay Mukhi, a Mumbai-based expert on cybersecurity. If there were viruses and malware in the system, candidates can now question their test results in court, he added.

It is also not clear what the IIMs have done to ensure data integrity, Mukhi said. There could be doubts that the system did not register correctly the entry made by the candidates in their answers, he added.

Candidates for the CAT faced problems with connectivity as well, as the speeds were sluggish, Mukhi said. Having local servers at the test centers linked up to the main servers would have prevented that problem, he added.

India's Minister for Human Resource Development, Kapil Sibal, has criticized the problems with the tests. About 8,000 of the 45,000 candidates for the first three days of the test had difficulties, he told reporters in Delhi this week.

The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party described the computer failures as a shame for a country that calls itself an IT superpower.

Business news

Bellway reports better trading but warns on mortgage levels and consumer confidence Dec 04 2009
HOUSEBUILDER Bellway reported rising levels of reservations, sales values and land acquisitions today - but warned that markets are still "fragile."Read
Manufacturers report better access to finance as banks start to ease credit conditions Dec 04 2009
BANKERS are finally loosening their purse strings, says manufacturers’ organisation EEF.Read
Bellway says housing market is improving, but warns on mortgage levels and consumer confidence Dec 04 2009
HOUSEBUILDER Bellway reported rising levels of reservations, sales values and land acquisitions today – but warned that markets are still “fragile.”Read
Jobs guaranteed in merger between Liverpool accountants Jackson and Bolton firm Dec 04 2009
LIVERPOOL accountants Jackson UK LLP has merged with Bolton firm Cowgill Holloway.Read
Liverpool One strikes gold in British Council of Shopping Centres annual awards Dec 04 2009
LIVERPOOL One, the £1bn retail centre, has been named joint winner of the British Council of Shopping Centres’ (BCSC) Supreme Gold Award for 2009.Read
Northwest engineers’ body says Mersey barrage scheme is vital to energy targets Dec 03 2009
PLANS by Port of Liverpool owner Peel Holdings to harness energy from the River Mersey should be adopted as soon as practicable.Read
Liverpool technology firm Arvia scoops national award Dec 03 2009
ARVIA Technology, based at Liverpool Science Park, has scooped the ‘Sustainability Innovation Award’ at the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) Innovation Awards.Read
Five regional agencies commit to developing energy innovation sector throughout northwest Dec 03 2009
FIVE north west organisations have signed a partnership deal to increase energy innovation across the region.Read
New recycling range expected to drive growth at Haydock plastics firm Coral Dec 02 2009
HAYDOCK plastics firm Coral Products has reduced half year losses and sees salvation in a new range of homeware and recycling bins.Read
Small firms say government should offer more incentives to improve take up of environmental measures Dec 02 2009
THE recession is preventing 22% of small firms implementing green’ measures.Read
New recycling range expected to drive recovery for Haydock plastics firm Coral Products Dec 02 2009
HAYDOCK plastics firm Coral Products has reduced half year losses and sees salvation in a new range of homeware and recycling bins.Read
Fewer discounts and offers on high street point to better trading conditions Dec 02 2009
HIGH street trading conditions appear to be easing after a report by accountants Price- waterhouseCoopers (PwC) found 43% of high street retailers are currently advertising discounts or offering promotions, compared with 62% in the same week last year.Read
Liverpool jeweller David M Robinson relocates store to new premises within £1bn Liverpool One development Dec 02 2009
LIVERPOOL jeweller David M Robinson has relocated its North John Street store to the £1bn Liverpool One centre.Read
150th person finds employment in Liverpool City Region-wide jobs drive Dec 01 2009
THE 150th person has been employed into a Future Jobs Fund which aims to find work for more than 2,500 long-term unemployed throughout the region.Read
Liverpool accountants PKF welcomes HMRC extension of deadline for holders of offshore accounts Dec 01 2009
LIVERPOOL accountants PKF has welcomed HM Revenue & Customs’ decision that the registration deadline for the New Disclosure Opportunity (NDO) would be extended from November 30 to January 4, 2010.Read
Liverpool included in five year expansion plan by pubs group JD Wetherspoon to create 10,000 jobs Dec 01 2009
PUBS group JD Wetherspoon said today that it will create 10,000 jobs over the next five years with the opening of 250 new pubs, including Liverpool sites.Read
The Duke of Kent officially opens small business incubator facility in Bootle Dec 01 2009
THE Duke of Kent has opened an incubator for south Sefton businesses.Read

Wirral Tulip factory to get almost £2m in public cash Nov 30 2009
DANISH meat products company Tulip’s new Wirral factory is being built with the help of almost £2m of public cash, the ECHO can reveal.Read
Wirral recruiter Scantec announces management re-shuffle in five year bid to grow turnover Nov 30 2009
BIRKENHEAD recruitment specialist Scantec Personnel has targerted a £100m turnover and a slot in the top 50 UK agencies in the next five years.Read
Speke-based online retailer Shop Direct to offer maternity line of fashion brand Mamas & Papas Nov 30 2009
SPEKE online retailer Shop Direct is adding the maternity fashion lines of Mamas & Papas, the mother and baby clothing and nursery goods brand, to its offer, including its new fast-fashion online channel, from next February.Read

Business Sectors Partnerships UK - Public Sector

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PUK works across the UK and with all parts of the public sector. Clients range from central government departments, devolved administrations (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) and local authorities to independent public bodies. This diversity is built into our public sector mission and has enabled us to ‘join-up’ the public sector, improve communications and share experiences and knowledge across public bodies.

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PUK also supports the development of PPP skills and expertise internationally, sharing best practice and helping overseas governments set up their PPP programmes.

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This section provides an insight into the work PUK does across the public sector. See the following links for further information on the range of support we provide:

Environment and Waste.
Operational Task Force.
Information Technology and Change.
Justice and Custodial.
Local Authorities.
Public Services.
Property and Regeneration.
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Business Sectors

The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills is committed to helping British industry increase productivity and develop world-class competitiveness.

The Department promotes best practice in design and manufacture, investment opportunities, and champions each industry's legitimate interests through policy and regulations. Its various business sector units also maintain one-to-one relationships with the leading firms in each industrial sector and generally represent the interests of their respective sectors in the development of Government policy and implementation of regulation. However, it is important to bear in mind that the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills does not lead on many regulatory matters (such as environmental protection, health and safety, etc).

The issues covered in the Department's sector-specific web sites are tailored to each sector and include topics such as relationship management; sector-specific schemes and initiatives; other important sector contacts; general business support; regulatory guidance; partnerships; export assistance; market forecasts; research and development; and government policy. There is also information on where to find further help and advice.

The Business Link website directs you to the key regulations and licences that apply across a wide range of specific business sectors within its Your type of business theme. It covers 15 business sectors from Agriculture, forestry and fishing through to Wholesale and also provides details of key trade bodies with expertise about your area of business.

Thursday 3 December 2009

World Low Cost Airline Congress 09: Tapping into business

Lots of talk during the World Low Cost Airline Congress about budget carriers and business traffic, and to what extent carriers are catering for it and picking it up.
The different scope of low-cost carriers means some are already pitching themselves pretty much directly against network carriers on high-frequency routes between primary airports, and Norwegian chief executive Bjorn Kjos - off the back of record results for the carrier in the first half - told us the airline has definitely benefited from passengers trading down from network carriers in the tough market conditions.

Alex Cruz, chief executive at recently merged Spanish budget carrier Vueling (pictured here on the left next to Kjos during one of the panel debates), says his carrier puts a lot of emphasis on dependability in terms of catering for business passengers. "There are a lot of attributes they want, of which [onboard] freebies are are the end if the list," he says, saying punctuality and being able to book tickets in their normal channels are the keys.
A business product is even more obviously part of the equation on the long-haul model. Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary, who has floated the subject of one day setting up a long-haul low-cost operation (separate to Ryanair), has always said a premium cabin would form part of such a product, while Malaysian long-haul, low-cost carrier AirAsia X is already making a move to lie-flat beds. Chief executive of the carrier, Azran Osman Rani says around 10% of its seats are premium, but says the carrier focuses on the seat rather than the other elements of traditional business class. "What people want is a comfortable seat," he says. "There is a huge gap between what carriers charge for business class against the cost."
He says in addition to the direct benefit of securing higher paying fare, "the intangible benefit is you broaden your brand's reach beyond price-sensitive customers".
Click here to see some of our video interviews with leading airline executives attending the World Low Cost Airlines Congress.


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Small Business Ideas That Require Low Overhead

For some people who want to establish small businesses, money is no object. They can afford to buy the equipment necessary to get the business up and running. For other people, though, start-up costs are prohibitive. If you are considering establishing a small business, you should consider what funds you have available before you decide exactly what type of business is right for you.
As noted above, some small businesses require very little in terms of overhead costs. Several such businesses are listed below:
• Writer - if you enjoy writing and have a computer, you can get started right away without any overhead costs. The internet makes it possible to market your services without paying postage for mailing marketing materials.
• Estate sale facilitator - if you advertise your services as an estate sale facilitator via word of mouth, you can limit your start-up costs to tags for the items, pens, and a cashbox. At the end of the sale, you can retain a pre-agreed upon portion of the gross sales as your profit.
• Painter - after you invest in the relatively low costs associated with paint brushes, rollers, and a ladder, you can advertise your services by making copies of a flier and posting them in your neighborhood.
• Cleaning - if you love to clean, you can get started with your cleaning business sooner than you think. The investment is minimal: cleaning products. You can ask your first customers to help you grow your business by telling others about you.
• Dog walker - there are no start-up costs associated with this business. Just post a flier and spread the word.
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Six Low-Risk Ways to Start a Business

Every business startup involves some degree of risk. But while no business is risk-free, some ways of launching your business are less risky than others. Here are six low-risk ways to start a business.

1. Start your business from home: Choosing a business location requires you to lock yourself into a lease and pay rent, utilities, and other costs for the space. But many types of businesses can just as easily be operated from home. By running your business from home, you save on the overhead costs of commercial space. You also save the time and money you would normally spend commuting, which means you can be more productive.

2. Start your business part time: If time allows, you can start a business while keeping your full-time day job. (For more about this, read Keeping Your Day Job.) This gives you the cushion of a regular paycheck and benefits from your job until your business is making enough to pay you. If running a business and working full time is too much, consider getting a part-time job to pay the bills while you launch your business. Look for part-time work that has flexible hours to give you time for your business. You can even turn it into a business education; for instance, if you’re starting your own fashion-design company, get a part-time job at a boutique so you can learn the industry from the customer’s point of view.

3. Start an e-commerce business: These days, a retail business doesn’t need a bricks-and-mortar location to succeed. By selling your products online, you can reach a nationwide or even global customer base. You significantly cut your costs, since you aren’t paying rent and won’t need to staff a store with salespeople. Depending on how much business you get, it’s possible to run an e-commerce business with you as the sole employee, at least when you first start out. You can also launch an e-commerce site as a way of testing the waters and then expand to a brick-and-mortar location once your site is successful.

4. Buy an existing business: If the costs and risks of starting a business from scratch intimidate you, consider buying an existing business. Although there is still a certain degree of risk involved, you will be buying a business where the location, employees, customer base, and systems are already established. Since you won’t have to go through the trial-and-error you would with a brand-new business, you’ll save time, effort, and money. You’ll want a business that has proven itself successful and stands a good chance of thriving under new ownership. Enlist a business broker to help you find the right one and have your attorney and accountant help you with the due diligence. If you do your homework, you’ll be buying a known quantity and greatly decreasing your risk of failure.
5. Buy a franchise: In a franchise you pay the franchise company (also called the franchisor) a fee and ongoing royalties in exchange for the right to do business under the company’s name. As a franchisee, what you’re paying for is a proven system of doing business. Just as with buying a business, you need to do thorough research into the company you’re considering. Do it well, and you should end up with a franchise that trains you in how to run the business, assists in finding a location and opening your business, provides marketing and advertising support, and offers advice and support on an ongoing basis. Franchising is often described as being in business for yourself, but not by yourself, because having the franchisor to back you up greatly lessens your risk.
6. Don’t hire employees: No, we’re not suggesting you do all the work yourself. But hiring salaried employees adds greatly to your risk. First, there’s the ongoing cost of regular salaries as well as payroll taxes and the cost of any benefits. You’ll spend time and money staying on top of federal and state employee laws (or hiring someone to do so). In addition, employees open up liability risks, such as your need to get worker's compensation insurance or the risk of being sued by a disgruntled staffer. No wonder many entrepreneurs find independent contractors or freelancers a smarter way to go. There are no salaries, benefits, or insurance issues to consider. Thanks to technology it’s easier than ever to work collaboratively with a team of independent contractors without being in the same office. In addition to cost savings, contractors offer flexibility because you can hire them on a per-project basis. Be sure to stay on the right side of the Internal Revenue Service when hiring independent contractors; find out more at the IRS Web site.
Karen Axelton is Chief Content Officer at GrowBiz Media, a content and consulting company that helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

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Low Risk Business

Low Risk Business Ideas That Will Have You Quitting Your Job by the End of the Week

Quitting your full time job and working from home sounds like a dream, doesn't it? For a lot of people it is, but for others it's reality. There are plenty of low risk business ideas out there that will provide you with enough income to quit your full time job and work from your home. You can easily turn that dream into a reality faster than you think.

Freelance work is available in numerous areas. You could be a writer, photographer, graphic artist, and even a tutor doing freelance work. There are unlimited business ideas when you're a freelancer. You will have little to no start up cost depending on what you need to get started and what you already have at your home. The low start up makes being a freelancer one of the easiest businesses to start. You work for yourself, this means you set your schedule, you choose what projects to work on, and you have control of your income.

If freelance work isn't for you there are plenty more low risk business ideas out there. You can easily start your own business using one of the countless direct sales companies out there. With direct sales, you will have to purchase a business kit. The business kit is usually a minimal cost compared to other business start up costs. You can grow your business easily by running home parties and selling products, but you can also encourage others to sign up for your business opportunity. Growing you downline will give you a percentage of other people's sales as well. Building a strong team can create a pretty substantial passive income for you.

If you are looking into low risk business ideas you can go in many directions. Businesses that are low risk are going to give you an excellent return on investment and have a low liability risk. There are many options out there and as long as you choose something you will enjoy you will easily succeed in growing your business.

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home business low investment

Q. What are some of the things to be learnt from the successful entrepreneurs involved in home business low investment opportunity?

A lesson that one can learn from modern entrepreneurs is that they are able to brand and position themselves well in the industry. For example, in the business they are involved with, one can associate them with being an expert in the niche area of the business. Also, another great lesson that one can learn from them is they manage their business expenses well. Similar to other business, it is important to manage the business expenses well to keep the business moving in the long run. As one may learn, the above lessons are just a small portion of what we can learn from modern entrepreneurs. As one conti

Q. What are some of the things to be learnt from the successful entrepreneurs involved in home business low investment opportunity?

A lesson that one can learn from modern entrepreneurs is that they are able to brand and position themselves well in the industry. For example, in the business they are involved with, one can associate them with being an expert in the niche area of the business. Also, another great lesson that one can learn from them is they manage their business expenses well. Similar to other business, it is important to manage the business expenses well to keep the business moving in the long run. As one may learn, the above lessons are just a small portion of what we can learn from modern entrepreneurs. As one continually to learn from them and other entrepreneurs, there are many other valuable lessons that one can learn from them to develop and grow well with the great amount of knowledge gained. However, if you are looking for a franchise business and are unsure of which one to choose, consider a WSI Internet marketing franchise.

Business Talent

Migration to Australia under the Australian business talent visa category is open to applicants who have had a successful history of business or investment activity and wish to emigrate to Australia to use these skills.

There are several qualifying criteria for this visa subclass:

The Australian business talent visa is an entitlement to Australian permanent residence.

Eligibility Criteria

An Australian business talent visa applicant must be aged 55 years or younger at the time of lodging the visa application.

Please note that applicants who are over 55 years of age may be eligible for the Australian business visa if their business proposal is considered to be of exceptional economic benefit to the sponsoring state or territory.

Business Experience
To qualify for the Australian business talent visa the following requirements must be satisfied. An applicant:

Must have business net assets of at least AUS$400,000 in at least 2 of the 4 fiscal years immediately before lodging the visa application;
Must have personal and business net assets of at least AUS$1,500,000, which can be transferred to Australia within 2 years;
For at least 2 out of the last 4 fiscal years before applying, the business(es) outside Australia must have had an annual turnover of at least AUS$3,000,000
Must have sponsorship by a state or territory government member at a senior level - i.e. Chief-Minister, Premier, or delegate;
Must demonstrate the need to be in Australia to conduct or establish the business;
Must establish or participate in the active management of the qualifying business in Australia, and maintain a substantial ownership interest
Must agree to the monitoring of business activities by the Department of Immigration for 24 months after arrival in Australia.

Additional Information
Australia has strict health and character requirements that must be met before any permanent visa of more than 12 months will be granted. People attempting to migrate to Australia on an Australian business visa will be required to:

Undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray undertaken by one of a panel of doctors selected by the Australian authorities, and;
Obtain police certificates for all countries in which they have lived for more than 12 months in the 10 years leading up to the application.

Processing Times
The current processing time for migration to Australia on a business talent visa is 9-12 months, from the start of the process. A Global Visas consultant will be able to advise you on the latest processing times.


There is a large amount of 'red tape' associated with setting up a business in Australia and consequently it is important to make contact with a suitably qualified accountant or business consultant before, during and after your move to Australia.

Starting a Business in Australia
Starting a small business in Australia involves a range of dealings with federal, state, territory and local government agencies. Migrants who wish to start a small business need to:

Register the business for taxation purposes,
Register the business or company name and, in some instances,
Obtain specific business licences and permits.
Registering a business name in the state or territory in which the small business operates is compulsory and new companies must register with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).

The federal government provides information for business people who want to migrate to Australia to start a small business, or employers who wish to employ migrants.

Advice and assistance is also available for foreign investors who want to invest in Australia and foreign companies wishing to register in Australia.

Business Visa Applicants
Australia's Business Skills Migration Scheme aims to attract business people with a proven record of business skills and expertise.

All business visa applicants are required to provide a detailed migrant business plan in conjunction with their applications. The business plan must include and address all the key elements of the Migration Act and the respective state government guidelines for the state they intend to conduct business in.

As a general guide, the minimum content of the business proposal must include:

Possible location, management structure, financing arrangements, job descriptions.
Forecast establishment and growth (financial plan) over the four-year term of your provisional visa.
Research you have undertaken to ensure the viability of your business proposal, including information on competitors and as well as cost factors.
Your marketing strategy.
A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis.
Business Structures
There are a number of business structures in Australia, including sole trader, partnership, company, trusts, fixed unit trusts and joint ventures.

Income Tax, State Tax & Duty
Taxation legislation is administered by the federal and state and territory governments. Before a new small business owner starts operating their new business, they need to know what they must do to comply with government taxation regulations.

In addition to applying for an Australian Business Number (ABN), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Tax File Number (TFN) and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), small business owners may be required to pay state and territory land tax, pay-roll tax and other duties.

For detailed advice on the accounting, legal and tax attributes of each business structure and setting up a business in Australia Global Visas recommend you talk to a chartered accountant or solicitor.

All business owners in Australia should insure their life, income and commercial risks.

Workers' compensation insurance is compulsory for all employees, including company directors.

Licences and permits
Some businesses require licenses or permits in order to operate. It is important to have the correct business licences and permits.

Employing Staff
Employing staff for your small business carries certain legal responsibilities with respect to your employees.

Provide a written job description before employees start work and make sure that employees understand what you expect in the workplace.

For detailed information about employing staff you can contact the Department of Productivity and Labour Relations and Department of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare regarding hours, holidays, leave, superannuation and safety.

Australian employers have certain superannuation obligations for their staff.

Under the superannuation guarantee legislation, superannuation contributions for staff are a percentage of their earnings base. Employers who don't pay enough superannuation contributions will have to pay the Superannuation Guarantee Charge.

Training and Apprenticeships
Small business owners can take advantage of a number of training services and programmes available to them when employing trainees and apprentices.

Incentives and subsidies are available from the federal and state and territory governments to help reduce the cost of training employees.

Franchises in Australia are bound by the Franchising Code of Conduct which requires franchisors to disclose specific information and follow certain rules.

Assistance for small business operators who are buying, extending or renewing a franchise, or who need help with resolving disputes may also be available from state and territory governments.

Australian Business Migration
In addition to the 'skilled migration' stream, the Australian government actively pursues individuals who have demonstrated a record of successful business achievement as managers, senior executives, owners and through active investment.

This has led to the class of visas dealt with under the Business Skills Programme. The vast majority of business skills entrants initially qualify for a provisional four year temporary residency visa; and after satisfactory evidence of business or investment activity in Australia, can apply for permanent residence.

In addition to the business skills category, there is a provision for high calibre business entrepreneurs to qualify for permanent residency via the business talent visa subclass. This visa subclass also requires direct sponsorship via a state or territory government.

It may be necessary to get approval from the state in which the applicant intends to settle before an application for temporary residence can be submitted. This normally requires the applicant to submit a detailed business plan which includes evidence of research and supporting documentation.

Migration to Australia on a business skills visa is based on the system outlined above. The requirements are in constant review and are therefore open to change and dependent on decisions made by DIMIA.

Please bear in mind that changes can affect the application at any time, so it is vital that the applicant follows the guidelines as outlined by Global Visas.

Business Owner

Eligibility for migration to Australia on a Australian business visa is judged on the business skills of the applicant. There are several qualifying criteria for this visa subclass.

The initial four year provisional Australian business visa subclass can lead to Australian permanent residence.

Eligibility Criteria
The main Australian business visa applicant must be under the age of 45 at the time of lodging an Australian visa application.

Business Experience
The following requirements are needed by visa applicants:

An applicant must have had a successful business career.
In two of the last four fiscal years the Australian business visa applicant has had ownership in a qualifying business that has had a turnover of at least AUs$300,000.
Combined business and personal assets have a net value of AUS$250,000, which is available for the running of a business in Australia.
They must also be available for transfer within two years of the granting of the Australian visa.
The Australian business visa applicant must also have sufficient assets for settlement and use in Australia.
The Australian business visa applicant must not have been engaged in a business where the provision of professional, technical or trade services took up more than 50% of their time.
The Australian business visa applicant must not have been involved in business or investment activities considered unacceptable in Australia.
The Australian business visa applicant must have notified the appropriate authority of a state or territory of their business history and intentions to develop a business in that state or territory.
The Australian business visa applicant must have a genuine and realistic commitment to participate, as a substantial owner, in the management of a new or existing business which will benefit Australia.
The Australian business visa applicant must have demonstrated that there is a need to be temporarily in Australia to conduct business.
A 'qualifying business' is a business defined as one which is actively operating for the purposes of making profit and is not set up primarily for passive or speculative purposes, i.e. the sale of goods/services must be distinguished from passive investment. For example rental income from investment property.

Health & Character

Australia has strict health and character requirements that must be met before any permanent visa of more than 12 months will be granted. People attempting to migrate to Australia on an Australian business visa will be required to:

Undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray undertaken by one of a panel of doctors selected by the Australian authorities, and;
Obtain police certificates for all countries in which they have lived for more than 12 months in the 10 years leading up to the application.

Processing Times

The current processing time for migration to Australia on a business owner visa is 9-12 months, from the start of the process. A Global Visas consultant will be able to advise you of the latest processing times.

State/Territory Sponsored Executive

Eligibility for migration to Australia on a state/territory senior executive visa is judged on the business skills of the applicant.

The initial four year provisional state/territory senior executive visa subclass can lead to Australian permanent residence.

Eligibility Criteria

The visa applicant must be under the age of 55 at the time of lodging an Australian visa application.

Business Experience:
To qualify for the state/territory sponsored senior executive visa the following requirements must be satisfied.

An applicant must:

Have had a successful business career;
Have personal and business net assets of at least AUS$250,000, which can be transferred to Australia within 2 years;
Have spent at least 2 of the 4 years prior to application occupying a position in the top three levels of management, and is/was responsible for strategic policy development in a business with an annual turnover of at least AUS$10 million;
Have sufficient net assets to settle in Australia;
Have sponsorship by an Australian state or territory government;
Be able to demonstrate the need to be in Australia to conduct or establish the business;
Establish or participate in the active management of a qualifying business in Australia, and maintain a substantial ownership interest.

Health & Character
Australia has strict health and character requirements that must be met before any permanent visa of more than 12 months will be granted. People attempting to migrate to Australia on an Australian business visa will be required to:

Undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray undertaken by one of a panel of doctors selected by the Australian authorities, and;
Obtain police certificates for all countries in which they have lived for more than 12 months in the 10 years leading up to the application.

Processing Times
The current processing time for migration to Australia on a business owner visa is 9-12 months, from the start of the process. A Global Visas consultant will be able to advise you on the latest processing times.

Going After Overdue Accounts

When those invoices just aren't getting paid, you may have to hire a collection agency. Here's how to find the right one.


Nothing reduces a business's cash flow like unpaid bills. Particularly in a small business, tracking down the guilty parties is both a financial and physical drain.

To recover owed money, many businesses turn to collection agencies. These organizations specialize in collecting payment from overdue accounts.

Choosing a Service

Choosing a collection service is tricky, since it's hard to predict a firm's success with delinquent accounts ahead of time. A few areas to investigate when choosing a collection service:

Method of collection

You should examine the letters that will be used and judge whether they will be effective with your customer base. Also ask about the training that telephone collectors receive to ensure they understand the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

This 1977 act requires that debt collectors treat debtors fairly by prohibiting certain methods of debt collection.

How the service will work with you

Be sure to find out:

how information about delinquent accounts will be transferred to the agency.
when collected funds will be forwarded.
what reports are provided detailing the collection progress and success rates.
how you can stop collections if you receive payment or credit an account.
How they handle skiptracing

This is particularly important when collecting from individuals. Skiptracing refers to how the firm finds debtors who have disappeared and can no longer be directly contacted. Agencies should have access to online search capabilities and telephone databases to help locate these debtors.

Reputation of the firm

Make sure to check references, particularly from clients that are in a similar business. Also find out whether the firm complies with state licensing or bonding laws.

Before Hiring an Agency

There are several actions you can take to reduce the amount owed to you before resorting to an agency.

Be careful when offering credit

Carefully check credit references of each new account and don't extend more credit than the firm can handle.

Explain transaction terms thoroughly

When extending credit, make sure that accounts know when you expect payment, and clearly detail any credits or penalties for early or late payment.

Follow up overdue accounts

Do not expect customers to police themselves; instead, make sure to promptly send statements and reminders of payment due dates.

Institute a series of overdue notice

You should schedule regular written and oral reminders before even considering a collection agency. This will not only help save money, but will also avoid the ill will that can be generated when using a third party to collect the funds.

Set an absolute due date and stick to it

As a final step, set an absolute due date before the account is turned over to a collection agency. Do not extend this date, but do give the debtor warning of this final payment date.


Debt collection is usually done on a contingency basis. This means that the agency keeps a percentage of money that is collected from a debtor. Depending on the size of the business, commissions can range from 10% to 50% of the recovered amount. Other agencies require an upfront fee and then take a lower percentage of the recovered amount.

The advantage of contingency billing is that you do not pay for uncollected debts. However, some agencies will not offer contingency services for small debts. In these cases, you will typically pay a fixed fee for a series of letters or calls.

Buying Tips

Be thorough

When assigning a third party to collect an overdue account, provide them with all the information you have about the debtor, including an itemized breakdown of all contacts between your organization and the debtor's business or home.
Make sure the agency you choose is licensed

Some states require collection agencies to be licensed in their state before they can pursue debtors. Contact the American Collectors Association (612/926-6547) or a particular state's collection agency administrator for specific details on state requirements.

Get more than the P.O. box

To increase the agency's chances of tracking down an individual or business, always ask for the customer's physical address (even if you are sending the materials to a Post Office box), phone number and social security number. It can also help to work with a credit reporting agency. All of this information will be helpful in tracking down individuals even if they have closed their P.O. box or changed their address and phone number.

Payments and Collections

Article Archive

Take Advantage of Electronic Communication
Texts and e-mails could be more effective and less invasive for your collections.

Strengthen Your Credit Policy Today
Keeping a close eye on accounts receivable is the best way to manage cash flow.

How Does Your Business Rate?
Be mindful of these credit-score killers.

Why You Need a Credit Policy
Clearly outlined credit procedures will protect your business when customers don’t pay.

Getting Paid in a Bad Economy
5 tips to make sure you get paid and keep the cash flowing.

Don't Get Stiffed
Use these 4 simple steps to make sure you get paid.

Protect Your Business with Credit Insurance
Insuring your accounts receivables maybe a worthwhile investment.

Pay Me!
How to get the money you're owned when no one seems to have any

How to Negotiate With Your Creditors
Advice on protecting your interests by negotiating with creditors.

Managing Your Personal and Business Credit
When you're a small-business owner, there's a delicate balance between your personal and business credit. Here are some smart tips for handling both effectively.

Get People to Pay You Quickly
Make it easy for customers to pay your invoices, and you'll see your money sooner rather than later.

The ABCs of Business Credit
Learn why it's important to establish a business credit report separate from your personal credit and just how to do it.

Vulture Capital
You can't beat the big creditors to the bones of a bankrupt client, so what do you do?

Going After Overdue Accounts
When those invoices just aren't getting paid, you may have to hire a collection agency. Here's how to find the right one.

Online vs. Offline Debit Transactions
How to decide which processing method is right for your business

How to Get Yourself Paid
What to do when deadbeat debtors refuse to cough up the cash

It's Payback Time
Are your deadbeat debtors getting you down? Don't get mad, get even.

When Cash Is Tight, Who Gets Paid?
A simple guide to prioritizing your payments when the bills are piling up beyond control

Get Paid On Time
Follow these tips on invoicing and collection procedures so you can get what you deserve--your payment.

Get What's Owed You From Bankrupt Customers
If your client goes bankrupt, you could be the one to lose.

Business Calculator Center

Financial Management

Break Even Calculator
Break Even Analysis is an expected component of most business plans, especially for startups. This calculator shows how much revenue you need to cover both fixed and variable costs.

Investment Offering Calculator
Use this calculator to view both sides of the investment table. See what an investor gets and what a company gives up all in one easy tool.

Starting Costs Calculator
This calculator helps you evaluate how much capital you'll need to start your business.

Online Business
Conversion Rate Calculator
This calculator shows you what impact improving your website conversion rate has on your total online sales. Enter your visitors and total orders, and you can see what an increase in conversion can do.

E-Mail ROI Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the ROI (return on investment) of your e-mail campaign. You can test different scenarios to see the results.

Pay-Per-Click ROI Calculator
Use this calculator to determine the ROI (return on investment) for your pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Discounted Cash Flow
Analyze how much your cash is worth today vs. in the future.


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All FormNet forms on this site are subject to this disclaimer. Please review prior to using any form. Forms are either in Microsoft Word, Excel or Adobe PDF.

FormNet® Menu

This category covers a variety of financial functions--from financial statements and bookkeeping to expense reports and accounts receivable.

These forms are designed to help you gather the information you need to extend credit to a customer and to help you notify your clients or customers of their debt to you.

Make the right franchise choice with these easy-to-use forms that help you evaluate franchise options.

Human Resources
Hire, manage and motivate your employees more effectively with this collection of useful forms.

Protect your business with forms that help you manage your insurance and risk management needs.

Use these downloadable forms to track your inventory and accept or reject goods as they come in.

If you lease or manage property, these forms will help you get your paperwork in order.

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Get a handle on your marketing efforts, including customer surveys, target market research and market cost analysis, with this collection of forms.

Office Management
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Formalize your purchasing process--and make sure you're not wasting any money--with this smart set of forms.

From price quotes to commission summaries, these forms will help you perform any of your sales functions.

From shipping to delivery, you can get your shipping process in tip-top shape with these forms.

Starting a Business
These forms will help you gather all the data you need to get your new business off to a good start.

Starting a Virtual Assistant Business

Interested in starting one of the fastest-growing homebased businesses around? These existing business owners' advice can help you get started.

When Wicked Wordcraft president Angela Allen-Parker started her online business in 1999, she admits her parents feared she'd made a horrible mistake. Allen-Parker is a virtual assistant, and her decision to become one was more than a career change-it was a lifestyle change.

A single mother of three, Allen-Parker left her marketing post at a cancer research organization to start her new venture and moved her family from the city to a 25-acre farm in rural Kentucky. "I knew I had to succeed because there was no 'Plan B,'" says Allen-Parker. Now she serves clients in the United States, Canada and Spain. She specializes in what she knows best-marketing. Her farmhouse is paid in full, completely financed through her work as a virtual assistant.

A critically ill daughter was the reason Pamela Braue became a virtual assistant last year. Working full time in a law office was no longer feasible so Braue decided to take control of her earnings potential. The paralegal enrolled in an online training course at Virtual Assistance U. Specializing in realtor support, Braue opened PS: We Assist from Jackson, New Jersey. Before completing her course, she'd already secured six clients.
Allen-Parker and Braue are just two of an estimated 2,000 virtual assistants worldwide. Although one is a veteran and the other a newbie, both say hard work is the key to building sustainable practices. Both also agree that aligning experience with solid business plans and training are basic requirements.

Some say the virtual assistant industry has become so popular because it helps women become entrepreneurs yet also achieve a work/life balance. Business trends forecast an increase in service demands, startup costs are minimal and the profit potential is good. According a survey by the Virtual Business Alliance, a global consortium of virtual assistant trade organizations, the average full-time virtual assistant working in the United States grossed $39,452 in income last year.

Before packing up the office cubicle and giving notice to your boss, know that becoming a virtual assistant isn't an easy job that just anyone can do. Sharon B. Williams of The 24-Hour Secretary cautions, "To become successful, you need a good marketing strategy in addition to that phone, PC and Internet connection." Many virtual assistants work between 14 and 18 hours a day during the startup phase. Even after establishing solid practices, one-third of these business owners admit to working nontraditional hours, including weekends and holidays.

Virtual assistants are independent entrepreneurs who work remotely and use technology to deliver services to clients globally. Most work from their home offices and receive their project instructions by phone, fax, e-mail or even instant message. Although many virtual assistants offer secretarial services, as more people with diverse backgrounds and skills enter the ranks, virtual assistants who specialize in such areas as marketing, graphic and Web design, IT support or even translations are becoming more common.

Clients are most likely to hire virtual assistants to save money-virtual assistants pay for their own equipment, taxes, training, healthcare and insurance-or because they need help with a temporary project. Industries most often hiring virtual assistants include the real estate, coaching, financial services, accounting and legal.

If you're wondering how to start a business as a virtual assistant, Elite Office Support founder Susan Totman offers these tips:

1. Decide just what type of services you want to offer, and analyze your background to ensure you have adequate experience.
2. Determine your business niche-consider specializing in just two to three services.
3. Determine how much time and energy you have to commit to your venture. Do you want to work part or full time?
4. Conduct thorough industry research to determine a need for your services in your local area.
5. Outline who your clients are, where they are and how to access them.
6. Do a market analysis. Find out the needs for your niche and focus on how you'll apply that to your business.
7. Know your budgetary constraints-projected expenses, expected income and how long you can "float" until your business is running successfully.
8. Prepare a business plan and review it often to manage growth and change.
9. Examine your equipment, software and work space to ensure they meet client needs.
10. Wrap up all legal and financial aspects of startup before securing your first client.
11. Market your services 24/7. Just because you've built a Web site or placed an ad in the Yellow Pages doesn't mean clients will come knocking on your door.

You might want to consider joining a professional organization or networking group. This will give you the opportunity to network, build camaraderie and have access to a knowledge bank for solving technical problems.

Progressive Leadership's Carole Nicolaides, a Columbus, Ohio-based business coach, has helped a number of virtual assistants match their talents with sound business planning. "Enthusiasm for your work propels you to rise early, work weird hours, and can even make you feel a tinge of guilt for getting paid for doing something you enjoy so much," says Nicolaides. Wouldn't we all like to have such a guilty pleasure?

To find out more about the virtual assistant industry, check out the following resources:

Worldwide Organizations

Clayton's Secretary
Canadian Virtual Assistant Network
International Association of Virtual Office Assistants (IAVOA)
International Virtual Assistants Association (IVAA)
International Association of Virtual Assistants

Networking and Support Groups

Virtual Assistant Networking Forum (VANF)
Virtual Business Group
Real Estate Virtual Assistant (REVA) Network

Free Worldwide Directories

Elite Office Support
Specialist Virtual Assistants Club

Certification Programs

VA Certification


Marketing Your VA Practice by Sharon B. Williams: Order the book at
Up Close & Virtual: A Practical Guide to Starting Your Own Virtual Assistant Business by Diana Ennen and Kelly Poelker

Carolyn Moncel is a consultant and president of Mondave Communications a global PR firm with offices in Chicago and Paris.

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